Thursday, December 25, 2008

Termagants and Duress!!
I am writing this now at 0200 hrs in the morning because Hari made me an offer I couldn’t refuse:p . The theme of the post is Kurukshetra. Specifically Kurkshetra ’09.

As you guys know I am the student director for guest lectures, well if you dont know, well then you should:d It has been a very interesting experience so far I have to tell you. Its pretty thankless much of the time. You will mail 40~50 ppl over the weekend and about 10 of them will reply and every other week maybe one will agree to give a talk. As if that is not enuf we have these geniuses who got back to us with statements like "Pongal aprama kelunga. Sir, ippo romba busy?". This after having been sent a mail and a fax stating that our event is a week after Pongal.

You know i have always wondered what it takes to get a governement organisation to agree to do something. It goes something like this
Day 1: Director to his subrodinate "Help these people out"
Day 2: Subordinate "I was in a meeting"
Day 3: Subordinate "I have to talk to my team"
Day 4: Subordinate "I have to talk to my superior"
Day 5: Subordinate, and this one is a classic folks "You don't call; we'll call you"
Day 10: Subordinate "Yes yes, i am sorry i still haven't spoken to my team yet"
Yes folks!! It takes a governemnt organisation more than ten days to say a simple yes or no. Btw I'm still waiting for that reply.

There are other extremes too in this business. One person kept nominating his boss to give a GL in our event. Intrigued we decided to check out their profile. So we did what any self respecting modern man would do. Yes we GOOGLED it! And guess what the only relevant hit to their company is in the DELETOPEDIA - a dump where you dump what is not acceptable to even that other dump.... Yes Yes!! You guessed it!

But people all that wiseracking aside this year's Kurukshetra promises to be a rousing event with a Video Conference with Dr. John C. Mather from NASA, a Nobel Laureate to boot!!, Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Chairman, NASSCOM and Dr. Naveed Hussain, VP, Boeing India.

A workshop on Animation by the man who worked on Dasavatharam, Brian Jennings is nothing to sneeze at either. Make sure you attend that. The events contain The Usual Suspects,(uh people by that I mean the events that are traditionally there... to check them out go to But in addition there are this year's Debutantes GodSpeed, a Remote Controlled IC Engine Race with stunningly cool new track and finals under the lights, and Fox Hunt, the traditional favourite for radio enthusiasts.

I am told the K! Online Quiz and K++ are already underway. With Dalal Bull going up any minute(or day:P)now.

Keep reading this space for further updates.

Signing Off,
Yours Truly

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